Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All Mine!

Fenced in, floodlights and cameras,
Protecting the perimeters.
Sentries on guard, every yard;
And the years wear their mark,
Upon a notice with the solemn warning:
‘Private Property: No Trespassers!’
Protecting the land from the most dangerous kind:
Those who will appreciate the natural beauty,
And peace of mind.
Concrete monstrosities,
Standing out against the landscape.
Architectured obscenities,
Where artificial fountains gush forth,
From a bubbling brook whose course was changed,
From East to North.
Perfectly manicured lawns, and terracotta tiles,
Where moss grew on rocks,
and daffodils bloomed for miles.
The master of the land -
on holiday after a decade -
gazes out of his window, and smiles.
A piece of heaven, all mine,
for a week.

1 comment:

  1. Wah jee wah wah wah Subhanallah ...wah wah wah :) while reading this I imagined myself somewhere in your backyard
