Burdened by the looming loss of a treasure golden…
Golden and worth beyond any human treasure…
A treasure by the standards of Allah’s measure.
A poisoned sword soaked for three days in venom…
Venom meant to silence the voice of human justice…
Justice so wide and perfect it would not waste a public candle…
Justice both friend and foe got from the same handle.
Cowardice is required to carry out such deed…
The deed of orphaning twice orphans and widows…
Muting the tongue of the truthful oppressed servants.
Oppressions against him
In life and after death, centuries later…
First depriving him of a position granted by Allah…
Then his wife, the keeper of his secrets and sorrows…
Denying the faith of his noble father…
Condemning the Prophet’s protector to the confines of hell…
Equating the Imam to muawiyah and ibn al aas.
Poisoning his son, Imam al Hasan…
Stripping the veil of his daughter Zaynab…
Leaving to die thirsty at a shore;
Armless, an arrow in Abbas’s eye…
Yet the oppressions cease not…
…grow on…
Al Husayn ibn Ali is not spared even in prayer…
Even after he has been bereft of the support of his men…
The sword of ibn muljim falls and struck the Imam in Kufa…
… Splitting his head open…
And his sons took him home, a lion supported by lions…
The sword of shimr falls and strikes the Imam’s son in Karbala…
… Severing his head…
Who will carry him home…?
…Where is home…
Where are his sons...?
His sons lay silent… even Ali Asghar not spared…
The earth will carry Husayn…
Witnessing the trampling of hooves
…And the crushing of bones…
Yet the oppressions go on.
It suffices them not to perpetuate such injustice…
They curse him on the pulpits for forty dark years!
But no injustice can reduce the status of Ameerul Mu’mineen…
…Born in the Ka’abah
A life of service, long nights of worship…
Fatally struck, prostrating in a mosque…
Welcoming his imminent death with a cry of love…
…I have succeeded, by the Lord of the Ka’abah!
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