If You have forgiven my kind before me, then forgive me my Lord; and
If You have been merciful to one like me, then have mercy upon me my Master; or
If You have accepted a weak one before, then accept me as another my Hope; and
If You have saved a lost one before, then save me from myself my Savior; or
If You have given hope to a forlorn soul before, then give it to me my Protector; and
If You’ve nurtured one oblivious and ungrateful for Your bounties before, then nurture me and bless me with gratitude and acknowledgment of Thee; but
If You have turned away from a constant sinner before, please do not turn away from me O Everlasting face; or
If You have assured a wretched one of the fire before, please keep me away from it my Redeemer; and
If You have distanced yourself from one who distanced themselves from you; please bring me closer to You O He who is closer to me
Than my jugular vein; then
If You have realized the hope and reliance this miserable servant has for Your grace,
Be gracious to him, and keep him close, O the most worthy!
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