Thursday, March 31, 2011

Freedom's March

~A dedication to the brave oppressed souls of Bahrain~

By the morning
And the ten nights
A glittering castle has its end in sight
Built in flesh
Carved in bone
Attired in rubies of blood
A pristine lake in the backyard
Built by damming of truth
A wave of freedom
And the puppet tangles his string
The dam has broken, the river will flow
Give us liberty, or give us death!
The garden of martyrdom has its flowers in bloom
Imprisoned bodies, untied minds are congregating at the roundabout
Sunshine and fireworks come watch the show
Free yourself from oppression!
                                                      Ummah, tighten your belt          
The caliphs are losing their grip
Brother, clear your diary
Freedom is marching to town


Feel the heat,
Take the challenge.

Take a leap,
Live on faith.

Cool the heart,
With your tears.

From the self,
Let it die.

Open your eye,
Look in the mirror.

To the world,
Bounties from the Lord.

For your brother,
As yourself.

No one man,
Just your sin.

Soar to the sky,
Prostrate your head.

The great jihad,
Know yourself.

In summer’s heat,
Your earthly load.

In the Lord
Spring has come.

The Anatomy of Sin

Sin starts as an eyelid
      Blotting out conscience’s light
Sin grows like a limb
      Bringing all forbidden to reach
Sin is blood
      Permeating every vein
Sin is fat
      Insulating against the truth
Sin is flesh
      Taking a solid form
Sin is bone
      Supporting a wayward cause
Sin is the tooth
      Biting the lip in regret
Sin is a finger
      Pointing, blaming and accusing
Sin is a coma
      Shutting the mind to reason
Sin is the heart pulsing
      One beat leading to the next
Sin is the tongue
      Tasting and craving for more
Sin is tooth decay
      Eating away leaving a cavity
Sin is sensitive skin
      Renewed in the heat of the flame

[... [Qur'an 4:56] Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.  ...]

Heavenly Breeze

A flute from the garden
A call from beyond
The time of the lovers is here
For the reunion with the only One
And seek the unending life
Raise your hands and close your eyes to the world
The glitter that isn’t gold
The attraction that will fast fade
Only through humility will you rise
And strike the open enemy right in his face
The struggle never ends
Till certainty lays you on its earthy bed
The challenge you took on that day
It made you, of creation, the best
Your call to the heavenly abode
Till then scorn the world and its plastic array
In the end, reunion is soon
Forever abide in bliss from the Lord.

Lost Friend

Lonesomeness conquered me
The prison stifling, its allure fading
I sought the one who would nurture me
Guide me, inspire me, set me free
Thus began the quest for Thee
The one whose name I whispered
When I turned at night
Who would cause me tears
And chase my fears
I drank the sea of your love from the book
Till I was drowned
Tossed upon its waves and storms
Still seeking
Landing on the shore
Now I knew I could hold no more
I begged at the door to the city its key
Through the books and ink I sought to be free
All my journey all my quest
Seeking you, torn apart
And I began to wonder
Who took me on my travel
And was my ark in the sea
Who sheltered me
Upon the shore
And took me through the valley
I felt a light, growing stronger
I had plunged the darkness seeking day
Till I could go no longer
Now to realize my light
My friend
Had held my hand
All the way.

The Idols Will Fall Again

The noble grandfather taught a new way
Reminding the teachings of prophets of yore
Calling to one God and truth
Kill not, nor steal
And honor your women folk
With Khaleel upon his shoulder
Brought the gods tumbling down
Destroying racism he raised Bilal to make the call
For posterity, his last wish, hold to the weighty two
Which hand in hand will guide
Lead you to the heavenly pond
But for gold and fame and the glittering crown
To heaven’s seven winds the teachings are thrown
The brother and the Hasanayn
Through Sajjad, Baqir, Sadiq and al Kadhim
Then Ridha, Taqi, Naqi and Askariyy
Toiled to keep alive his sublime way
Now once again vice has become virtue
The steadfast far and few
The ummah calls for its promised master
And waits, with bated breath
Fervently supplicating for him
The son of noble ancestry
The sun behind the clouds
To revive the religion anew
And bring the idols crashing down.

'Coz You are You

I am running away
Escaping the heat and fray
Round and round
I cannot accept Your ground
Every nook every corner
I meet another sojourner
Where have you been they ask
Where have I not I task
What did you find they query
What did I lose I worry
At last I can fight no more
Again, I am humbled at Your door
For a moment I hesitate
Will my worst fears precipitate
If you turn me away
I have not another way
A crack, a light from beyond
And then I know what I have found
Though I have sinned through and through
My comfort, my rest is that You are You.

Wages of Sin

Sinning and scorning
Abandoning the way
Staining the vessel
Shaping the clay
Vile and aggression
Rejoicing in devil’s play
Frozen and broken
Chipping the rock heart away
Till there is nothing
Partaking in the bounties
Blind to Divine array
Autumn comes, leaves begin to fall
Collect your grain
Harvest is headed your way
An empty basket
A heart of lead
Time to face the furnace
The heat I may sway
But now I realize
The torment
Is Your keeping me away.


On a bright white sheet
A spot
Slowly growing
Invading every grain
Erasing every memory
Hardening, turning to stone
Then come the tears
Pouring like rain
Slowly melted
Gently softened
The rock is mud again
Now the struggle begins
To keep away the stain

Dust to Dust

Childhood is moments
Crawling past
Joyously kick up the dust and
Before it settles
You are grown
Lifetime flying
Years whirring by like telephone posts
Now born next married
Blink an eye
Parents and worried
So soon, you are waiting
Watching slowly
In the sun’s rays a dust speck
Kicked in your childhood
Now flying down
Life has come full circle
Dust is now dust.

The Secret Garden

For the select few, open upon invitation
The garden of peace, a place of contemplation
I shall give you the map, chart your destination.

The night is dark, beds are warm
The believers awake, silently to mourn
The separation, pain, length of this sojourn.

A heavenly light shines upon their deeds
Carefully planted, pure and noble seeds
With patience and humility they grow like reeds.

Through divine submission and hearts that bleed
Steadfast and willing, fulfilling the creed
Forsaking all, for His mercy they plead.

Slowly and surely the flowers bloom
Dispelling despair, chasing all gloom
All this cultivated from a corner of your room.

Hear one hear all, for thought make this food
All who awake are promised maqaam al Mahmood
Everlasting, eternal in Jannat al Khulood.

Nature's Rendezvous

The subtle hints of your presence are driving me insane
You have formed an imprint on my senses
It is you I see when I gaze upon creation
The radiant aura of your face gracing every flower
The sunrise pales in comparison with your glory
Is the sweet scented rose a pointer in your direction, a hint you have been here?
Every tide that comes in catches my attention, perhaps it carries news from you
On the misty mountaintop I grasp and reach for a shadow
Only to touch air and get disappointed
Again, our rendezvous hasn’t happened
How I envy the wind, it blows everywhere
It has tousled your hair
I pause to watch a tulip unfold
Held by the moment, which lasts an eternity
Only to realize there is no note in it, no clue
The bubbling brook goes its way and I follow
Today, if I listen close enough
Perhaps I will hear your whisper
I dip my hands into its coolness and drink from the spring of your love
The refreshment brings me to tears
The salty warmth of my tears reminds me of you
When will we drink at the fountain of your knowledge?
How am I to bear this?
To be surrounded by you, yet separated from you
The lone call of the nightingale rouses me
What makes him sing? Does he too suffer my plight?
I cannot bear this anymore
I open the glorious book
There too I find you
“Say! Truth has come and falsehood vanquished!”
My Lord! What am I to do?
I turn another page, and look at it again
You have answered my query
“Surely God is with the patient!”
I can finally understand
The clues now make sense
I have seen you, felt you, and heard you, smelt you all around
Nature is His way of keeping my senses alive to your approach
Indeed, how can I not see you in nature
When your family is the cause of its creation?
And that is why I can go on
Reunion is soon

Fourteen Pieces

I walk in the garden of the beloved
Smelling the flowers as I go
I come to the Khitaam, glowing in the beauty of his green bright dome
One whiff of its fragrance and I was borne
To Madinah, to every wanderer a home
I have reached my end, resolved, here I will stay
A voice from afar, a call from the brother of Rasool
To the Ameer, the zawj of Batool
My heart is broken, and I leave with a piece
For without the Habib I cannot be at peace
Before I arrive, a glow, a musk, a spark
The jewel of Kufa, to Najaf the adornment, the mark
At the door I am breathless
At last I have arrived
For once in my life I feel I am needless
Yet just before I can set my roots
A heartbreaking call from Madina breaks my shoots
To Zahrah to Hawraa
To the noble son Hassan
Pieces of my heart I leave amongst the flowers of Baqee
To the holy meadow I must go
Where the rose of martyrdom got its perfume and its glow
On the sacred ground I bow and I grow
From the thirsty ‘Abbas to Husayn the Shaheed
A cry from afar
Sukayna wants her Abaa
The ‘attar of haunting Damascus draws me near
At the hands of the noble daughter I lose my fear
To the land of the stranger
I will let my heart wander
Only to arrive and realize this is home
The Persian tulip has my heart attached to Mashad’s dome
Back and forth
From Ghadeer to Khurasaan, Kadhmayn to Jamkaraan
Have I any heart left to carry in my zamaan
Just then as I wonder I hear fajr’s adhaan
To open my eyes in the face of the awaited of the Ka’abah
The radiant flower of Zahrah
And enshrouded in a piece of the noble leafy turban
All fourteen pieces of my heart now awaken.


By this act, angels earned their salvation
And through refusal of it, Satan secured eternal damnation
Dust meets dust and the ego is brought to the ground
King and child, master and soldier
All for a moment, held in the same position
Seeking redemption, minimizing the sense of separation
From You we are and
To You is our return
Thirty four times a day, reminding ourselves
Yet when we arise, we reach for the glittering array
Year in, year out, the ritual becomes habit
From dust we are
Occupied by the dunya we crave and reach out
To the dust we return everyday
Until realization dawns, and reality sets in
Dust realizes its place and remains
Longing, yearning, hoping
Abandoning all, to seek One
Till finally blessed, forehead on dust
The prostrate servant comes face to face with his Master
And is drowned in the ocean of love
No matter where the eye looks
Now, dust will remember only dust.


If You have forgiven my kind before me, then forgive me my Lord; and
If You have been merciful to one like me, then have mercy upon me my Master; or
If You have accepted a weak one before, then accept me as another my Hope; and
If You have saved a lost one before, then save me from myself my Savior; or
If You have given hope to a forlorn soul before, then give it to me my Protector; and
If You’ve nurtured one oblivious and ungrateful for Your bounties before, then nurture me and bless me with gratitude and acknowledgment of Thee; but
If You have turned away from a constant sinner before, please do not turn away from me O Everlasting face; or
If You have assured a wretched one of the fire before, please keep me away from it my Redeemer; and
If You have distanced yourself from one who distanced themselves from you; please bring me closer to You O He who is closer to me
Than my jugular vein; then
If You have realized the hope and reliance this miserable servant has for Your grace,
Be gracious to him, and keep him close, O the most worthy!