The subtle hints of your presence are driving me insane
You have formed an imprint on my senses
It is you I see when I gaze upon creation
The radiant aura of your face gracing every flower
The sunrise pales in comparison with your glory
Is the sweet scented rose a pointer in your direction, a hint you have been here?
Every tide that comes in catches my attention, perhaps it carries news from you
On the misty mountaintop I grasp and reach for a shadow
Only to touch air and get disappointed
Again, our rendezvous hasn’t happened
How I envy the wind, it blows everywhere
It has tousled your hair
I pause to watch a tulip unfold
Held by the moment, which lasts an eternity
Only to realize there is no note in it, no clue
The bubbling brook goes its way and I follow
Today, if I listen close enough
Perhaps I will hear your whisper
I dip my hands into its coolness and drink from the spring of your love
The refreshment brings me to tears
The salty warmth of my tears reminds me of you
When will we drink at the fountain of your knowledge?
How am I to bear this?
To be surrounded by you, yet separated from you
The lone call of the nightingale rouses me
What makes him sing? Does he too suffer my plight?
I cannot bear this anymore
I open the glorious book
There too I find you
“Say! Truth has come and falsehood vanquished!”
My Lord! What am I to do?
I turn another page, and look at it again
You have answered my query
“Surely God is with the patient!”
I can finally understand
The clues now make sense
I have seen you, felt you, and heard you, smelt you all around
Nature is His way of keeping my senses alive to your approach
Indeed, how can I not see you in nature
When your family is the cause of its creation?
And that is why I can go on
Reunion is soon